How To Deal With Flat Roof Water Ponding Problems

Having a flat roof is absolutely work the time investment if it complements your design vision. There’s simply nothing like flat roofs for sophistication and style. Of course, this type of roof also has a few challenges. The main problem that sometimes appears is water ponding on top of the roof. What can you do about it?
First Step: Call a Pro
The first thing you should do if your roof is having problems with water ponding is contact a roofing expert, preferably one with a lot of experience working with flat roofs. Why is important to hire a pro instead of attempting to do it yourself? Because flat roofs are very touchy to any kind of leaks, tears or scrapes. Even a small hole can cause immense damage to the home’s interior and the roofing material itself, mainly because the water doesn’t always roll off the roof like with sloped designs.
Second Step: Ask Questions and Come Up With a Plan
The roofing professional will need to take a closer look at your roof to figure out why ponding is happening. Has the roof been damaged or was it installed incorrectly from the very beginning? Can the problem be corrected by improving the drainage and leveling of the existing roof without needing deeper changes? The purpose of these questions is to help you get a flat roof that looks great, stands up to the elements and protects your home.
Expert roofers often present you with several alternatives that work. This way you can decide how much you want to invest in repairs and stick to your budget while getting excellent results. There are even green roofs for environmentally friendly homeowners.
Third Step: Apply Waterproofing
No matter what you decide, the roofing professional will likely apply a high-tech waterproof coating to the roof. These silicone-based flat roof coatings improve the strength and moisture resistance of the roof for up to a decade. That way you can rest easy and enjoy your home’s appearance.